Sandboxie portable
Sandboxie portable

Right click SandboxiePortable's entry and on the Advanced tab enable autostart on startup.In addition, you'll have to do the following from inside pstart.exe ShellExecute($drive&"\PortableApps\True Crypt\TrueCrypt.exe","/d t /q") While ProcessExists("SandboxiePortable.exe") MsgBox(0,"Drive Launcher","Unable to find PStart.exe") If ShellExecute("T:\PortableApps\PStart\PStart.exe")=0 Then MsgBox(0,"Drive Launcher","TrueCrypt did not close after 15 seconds") If ProcessWaitClose("TrueCrypt.exe",15)=0 Then MsgBox(0,"Drive Launcher","Unable to find TrueCrypt.exe") If ShellExecute($drive&"\PortableApps\True Crypt\TrueCrypt.exe","/v "&$drive&'\tc /l t /p "'&$password&'" /q')=0 Then $password = InputBox("Password", "Please input the unlock code for "&$drive,"","*",225,110) $volumefile = $drive&"\tc" Location of the volume file, in this example it points to PDRIVE:\tc

Sandboxie portable